Assess the Models of Outstanding Claims Reserve for Insurance Companies 保险公司未决赔款准备金评估模型探析
An insurance company engaged in life insurance shall set aside a reserve for future claims equal to the total net value determined actuarially on the total life insurance policies in force. 人寿保险精算准备金经营有人寿保险业务的保险公司,应当按照有效的人寿保险单的全部净值提取未到期责任准备金。
The risk of claim reserve volatility for property insurance companies and counter measures legal requirement on deposit 财险公司未决赔款准备金波动风险及其防范对策法定存款准备金标准
China's fund is a consequence of its massive reserve accumulations, which exceed the sums it can conceivably need for insurance. 中国的基金是其庞大外汇储备积累的结果。其外汇储备规模超过了它为防范意外所需的水平。
Research on Policy Reserve Calculating Methods for Long Term Health Insurance 长期健康保险保单准备金计算方法研究
To Predict Reserve for Outstanding Losses of Non-Life Insurance by Using Dual Generalized Liner Models 用双广义线性模型预测非寿险未决赔款准备金
This paper develops benefit reserve models with deterministic and stochastic interest rate for a homogeneous portfolio of life insurance policies. 针对同质寿险保单组,分别建立了确定利率与随机利率准备金精算模型。五、发展的模式;
Contingency reserve can guarantee insurance company to obtain fund in time in order to avoid financial difficulty, therefore, research on the application of contingency reserve in flood risk transfer has great significance for development of flood insurance in China. 由于应急资本能够保证保险公司有权利及时获得资金,以避免陷入财务困难,因此,研究应急资本在洪灾风险转移中的应用,对于我国洪水保险的发展,有重要的意义。
Effect of investment with reserve for insurance price 考虑准备金的再保险投资定价研究
Calculating Annual Total Reserve for Insurance Company 保险公司每期总准备金计算
On the Content and Reference Value of Germanic Economy Coordination Reserve System By Black-Scholes option pricing equation, we put forward a new simple method to estimate capital charge ration asked for the commercial bank in deposit insurance. 德国经济协调储备金制度之内容与借鉴由Black-Scholes公式的欧式期权定价方法提出了计算银行资产储备金费率的一个新的数学方法,适用于指导中央制定金融储备金费率。
Reserve is a kind of fund reserve drawn from insurance income for insurance organizations to assume immature liability and deal with unsettled claims, whose quality varies according to different types of insurance contracts. 保险责任准备金是保险组织为了承担未到期责任和处理未决赔款而从保费收入中提存的一种资金准备,它会因保险合同的类型不同而呈现出不同的性质。
It also will help us to refine and improve the new guidelines. Firstly, this thesis introduced the actuarial principles and accounting principles of life insurance reserve, thereby led to the comparison of the accounting method for life insurance. 本文首先介绍了寿险责任准备金的精算原理和核算原则,进而引入了对我国新旧会计准则下寿险责任准备金核算方法的比较。
It deals with insurance companies 'debt account such as insurance revenue, insurance reserve and subordinated bonds, etc. In the light of macro-economic development and market positioning, this paper constructs a prediction model of premium revenue for P& C insurance companies in China. 主要涉及财险公司负债类账户的优化管理,包括保费收入、保险业务准备金和次级债务等。依据宏观经济发展情况和保险公司市场定位,构建了我国财险公司保费收入预测模型的基本框架。